Friday, July 19, 2013

How to Close Insurance Sales from A to Z

Consider this quote:  “I have often been misquoted on my assessment of the importance of product knowledge to an agent – which I place at 5% of capabilities.  The catch lies in knowing as close to 100% of that 5% as you possibly can.  Knowledge of people accounts for 95%.  If you get an A on every exam on product knowledge but know nothing about relating to individuals, you will fail.”   -John Savage CLU, High Touch Selling

John Savage was one of the best known and most successful insurance agents in the nation, and built one of the top agencies in the nation.  He believed in the relative importance of selling skills and continual training in the relational area.  Most agents however, actually have this backwards....placing much more emphasis on product training, believing they are already great in sales (closing) skills.  Or, they don't do much of any training at all, believing that they just need more leads to grow their business.

For the top web based video sales training available on the market today, call me at 800-211-0017 EXT. 115.

Financially investing in yourself can be scary and nerve-wracking, but is usually worth EVERY PENNY.

Additionally, you make a statement to the Universe that says, "I deserve better and am committed to making it happen."

When you make that REAL commitment, the Universe responds by meeting or exceeding your investment!


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