Friday, August 9, 2013

How Does Your Target Market Think and Feel?

Top Gun agents know they cannot be all things to all people, so they find a smaller market niche to serve and serve well.  Part of "serving well" includes staying on top of relevant niche data to always be gaining insight as to how your prospects think and feel.  For example, for those in the senior market niche, the National Committee on Aging recently released new survey results:

Some interesting and insightful reading through the fact sheet e.g. 65% of seniors report having at least 2 chronic health conditions....of course most boomers don't think it will ever be them! The stats on financial security concerns were insightful, but not surprising. Some good stats for planners to use to further encourage retirement saving and income planning.

Lot's of good nuggets reviewing survey results like this; so when you develop a couple of questions for prospects beginning with, "Did you know that according to the 2013 United States of Aging Survey that .....", you demonstrate your credibility and connection to the senior market.

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