Friday, August 30, 2013

This "Secret" is like gold in your hand!

Listening.  Active listening.  Not a sales "secret" in the traditional sense; all agents know how important this is in developing relationships and in effective selling.  Certainly a lot written on this topic, and its a central focus of Dale Carnegie human relations training.

But it might as well be a secret, because so few agents have actually mastered this.  The fact is that if you are skilled at asking the right questions, your prospect or client will do the majority of the talking, and you will do the majority of the listening.  This is what builds great rapport, and makes you memorable in the mind of the customer.

Many agents though mistakenly believe that they need to impress by talking about their own background and experience and educating the client, and thus do most of the talking in every encounter.

Want to really impress your client?  Get them to do most of the talking, and actively listen - not only with your ears, but your body language as well.  Get good at asking questions, deeper questions, follow up questions.....

What is the first step?  Be totally honest with yourself.  Analyze your last prospect/client meeting.  Did you fall into the talking trap?  Easy to do...after all, we all secretly want to talk about ourselves, and let the client know how much we know.  You can fix it, and be consistent with listening more than you talk.

Still waters really do run deep.  Get them talking, revealing themselves.  If they ask you questions, keep your answers brief and to the point, and keep the focus on them.  They will find you strangely credible and brilliant, even though you did not rattle off your resume line by line.  You can take that golden nugget right to the bank.

Being memorable

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